Questions you can ask during an interview



  1. What does a typical day look like in this role?
  2. What types of projects would I be working on?
  3. Can you describe some current ongoing projects and initiatives that I would help address in this role?
  4. Is this a new position or an established role?
  5. What is the turnover rate like in this department?
  6. Tell me which of the main responsibilities of this role are most important to you?
  7. What do you believe are important skillsets the ideal candidate needs to be successful in this role?
  8. Can you describe the biggest challenges someone in this role will need to overcome?
  9. What expectations do you have for someone in this position for the next 12 months?
  10. How long have you worked for this company?
  11. What’s your favorite part of working for this company?
  12. What’s the most challenging part of working for this company?
  13. Why did you decide to join this company?
  14. What are the company’s core values?
  15. What are the company’s top goals for the next 12 months? Three years? Five years?
  16. Could you describe the team I’d be working with in this role?
  17. Who would I directly report to on a daily basis?
  18. What are this team’s biggest strengths and biggest challenges?
  19. Where do you see this department heading in the next six months?
  20. What other departments would I be working closely with in this role?
  21. Can you describe what the company culture is like?
  22. Is the work environment more collaborative or independent?
  23. Do people on this team spend time together outside of work?
  24. Are there any office traditions?
  25. What next steps should I be aware of in the interview process?


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