
How to be in a Cheerful Mood

  Being in a cheerful mood can sometimes be a challenge, but there are several strategies you can use to boost your mood and maintain a positive outlook. Here are some tips: Practice Gratitude : Take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you're grateful for. This can shift your focus from what's lacking in your life to what's positive. Engage in Physical Activity : Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Even a short walk or some light stretching can help improve your mood. Listen to Music : Uplifting music can have a powerful effect on your mood. Create a playlist of songs that make you feel happy and energized. Socialize : Spending time with friends, family, or even engaging in positive social interactions online can help lift your spirits. Do Something You Enjoy : Engage in hobbies or activities that you love. This could be anything from reading a good book, cooking, playing a sport, or creating art. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation : M

Six ways to make your life easier and more peaceful – by using stoic principles The control test The control test is a simple but incredibly effective strategy I use whenever I start worrying about something. It can be applied not just to the news cycle but absolutely everything in life, from not getting a pay raise to facing death. The formula, or test, is found in Handbook, or Enchiridion, a book of lectures by the Roman stoic Epictetus. Epictetus – whose handbook was published in 125AD – wrote: Within our power are opinion, motivation, desire, aversion and, in a word, whatever is of our own doing; not within our power are our body, our property, reputation, office and, in a word, whatever is not of our own doing. Essentially, our realm of control consists of our own actions and reactions, our desires, our character and how we treat others. The rest – including our bodies, the actions of others, our reputations and our fortunes

8 Thoughts on Marketing Psychographic Tools

 1.Testing for students  -school aptitude  -college aptitude  -preparation for aptitude tests  2. Government recruitment  -banks  -psu companies  -army / navy/airforce  -railways  3.Private Sector verticals  4. Marketing to placement consultants  5.Training freelancers and on variable award them for order and usage  6.Usage by offshore companies for recruitment  7.Revenue model for training people to administer the tool 8.Data Analysis training

How to Conduct an Effective Cultural Fit Assessment   Shani Jay Over 80% of recruiters believe that culture has become a prominent factor in the selection process. Yet, many organizations still struggle with conducting an effective cultural fit assessment. How can you make sure that your cultural fit assessment adequately evaluates your candidates’ culture fit? Contents What is a cultural fit assessment? Why use a cultural fit assessment? Difficulties assessing cultural fit Tips for conducting an effective cultural fit assessment What is a cultural fit assessment? Cultural fit assessment is a combination of methods designed to determine a candidate’s cultural fit during the recruitment and selection process by collecting and analyzing a series of data. This can include pre-employment assessments, personality questionnaires, or cultural-specific interview questions. A cultural fit assessment is a valuable tool to measure and evaluate cultural fit in an objective way. Coll

Questions you can ask during an interview     What does a typical day look like in this role? What types of projects would I be working on? Can you describe some current ongoing projects and initiatives that I would help address in this role? Is this a new position or an established role? What is the turnover rate like in this department? Tell me which of the main responsibilities of this role are most important to you? What do you believe are important skills ets the ideal candidate needs to be successful in this role? Can you describe the biggest challenges someone in this role will need to overcome? What expectations do you have for someone in this position for the next 12 months? How long have you worked for this company? What’s your favorite part of working for this company? What’s the most challenging part of working for this company? Why did you decide to join this company? What are the company’s core values ? What are the company’s top goals for the next 1

Employee Appraisal Phrases: Communication Skills  Employee Appraisal Phrases: Communication Skills By  Ken Lloyd Employees need to know how well they’re communicating and dealing with others so that they can effectively carry out their responsibilities and meet their short-term and long-term objectives. Ironically, some managers have difficulty communicating assessments in these two areas, especially when it comes to written comments. The managers are concerned that their feedback on communication won’t be communicated clearly, and they worry that providing feedback on interpersonal relations will actually strain the working relationships instead of improving them. When written comments focus on vague and general trends and themes, these outcomes are the most likely. Written and Verbal Communication Exceptional: Consistently exceeds expectations Is a master of written communication Is the go-to person when others need

How People Analytics Can Help Organizations Thrive In A Downturn

Image   Tom McKeown Forbes Councils Member Forbes Technology Council COUNCIL POST | Paid Program Innovation CEO and Co-Founder of  TrenData , a leading provider of people analytics software. Whenever the economy hits a rough patch, business leaders' first reflex tends to be cutting costs. At most organizations, the largest fixed cost is payroll, which can account for as much as  70% in a typical corporation , according to compensation provider Paycor. Not only is the decision to let people go a difficult one, but it's also something management must consider in terms of long-term loss versus a short-term gain to the bottom line. That's because in many cases, workforce reductions can cause a great deal of indirect damage to an organization. Below are three often overlooked, but very common, side effects that many organizations have had to deal wit